“I love my job and I can see this scholarship strengthening my interest and desire to do the best I can for the meat industry in Australia.
I see myself educating peers on the importance of a sustainable future by sharing experiences, and encouraging the consumers to shop for sustainable products, and this scholarship will underpin that.”
Jessica Bartles
The Global Footprints Scholarship is a great opportunity to broaden my knowledge about sustainability in the agriculture sector and within the meat industry.
It will be a great way for me to gain valuable life skills and experiences as well as engage with and learn from different cultures, industries and people.
Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) have released their environmental sustainability research and development investment report, and their vision for core activities and benefits to industry aligns with my beliefs for a better future.
A Global Footprints Scholarship is your opportunity to do more of what you love. What have you done at work that you are proud of or passionate about?
I chose this career because it was not only encouraged by my family, but to also to follow in my brother’s footsteps to successfully own my own business in the future.
During this time and halfway through my Butchery apprenticeship, my brother and employer wanted to re-brand his butchery and expand his digital footprint.
I had an interest in this, and created and implemented not only branding, but also website and online ordering systems to support him, which was critical through the early onset of Covid-19 and the impact it was having on our industry.
I decided at that point, to put my Retail Butchery apprenticeship on hold, move to Hobart from the Northwest of Tasmania, and undertake a Cert IV in Graphic Design, through TasTAFE. I have now successfully completed two Graphic design courses achieving my Certificate 4 in Design and also receiving my Diploma of Graphic Design whilst undertaking my apprenticeship part-time. I am now a qualified trades person (butcher) and have progressed to second in-charge of the shop.
During that time, I was nominated for the “emerging talent category” through the Diemen Awards, evolved from the Printing Industries Craftmanship Awards (PICA)Award for commercial creativity, I won the Silver Medal representing Tasmania in the WorldSkills National Competition for Retail Butchery in 2023, and I became a finalist for the Tasmanian Training Awards, Apprentice of the year category in 2022.
I’m passionate about show casing my skills and what I have to offer in the meat industry as a female butcher. I am extremely proud of viewing myself as a positive role model for other young people by encouraging them to pursue their career dreams no matter the sector.
A Global Footprints Scholarship is for you if you are passionate about creating a sustainable future. Describe something you have done at work or are working on, that helps the environment. Why is it important to you?
I’d like to contribute to a socially, environmentally, and economically sustainable meat industry, by being involved in the development of a more sustainable future for people, our animals, and our environment.
The role of our meat industry as part of a sustainable food system will always be challenged, but with appropriate knowledge and tools, our producers can adapt to climate change and support animal health and welfare, thus strengthening productivity and overcoming these future challenges.
I am constantly trying to improve environmental sustainability within my workplace and have done this in several ways, from purchasing decisions to waste management and encouraging customers to bring in their own containers and reusable bags. We have also started using an eco-friendly and degradable produce bag, reducing the amount of plastic in the workplace.
I focus on product quality to ensure our consumers are satisfied with a complete paddock-to-plate stock history - including the animals health, welfare, and their environment.
I do this by producing high value products or ingredients out of products that are considered ‘low value’. This minimises waste as well as maximises the whole carcase.
Through product marketing, our customers and consumers are beginning to understand and value meat (the whole carcase) as a quality ingredient.
I believe that by developing new business models and supply chains that focus on maximising the yield of our carcases will increase the overall value of what are considered lesser or lower valued products.
Profitability and sustainability can work together if we focus on the people, animals, and the environment.
I want consumers to feel good about eating meat, and to recognise the social importance that the meat industry, and people employed within this great industry play in a sustainable food production system.
As a BBM Scholar you can choose to go anywhere in the world. Where would you travel with your Scholarship and why?
I’d love to visit Japan and learn about sustainability and the environment within their culture.
With approximately 130 million residents Japan has changed its global image by implementing laws on recycling and balancing its status as a highly industrial nation that now prioritises sustainability. They are now ranked the 11th most sustainable country in the world.
Japan continues to improve the sustainability for future food systems. I believe they are one of the best countries at managing food loss and waste.
I hope to learn and par-take in sustainable farming in Japan and bring some knowledge and skills back to Australia.
“Jessica is a great Global Footprints candidate. She shows passion for her industry, career, sustainability and a desire to become a leader and role model to others.”
Assessment Panel