2024 | Trade - Hospitality

A Global Footprints Scholarship gives you global experience in your industry. Why did you want this Scholarship and what do you hope to get out of it?

In our modern world where the environmental crisis looms, the need to embrace sustainable practices has never been more pressing. As society comes to realise the consequences of its past actions on the planet, the call for innovative solutions and dedicated individuals to the cause of sustainability is needed now more than ever. These are the fundamental reasons that my aspiration for a scholarship centred on sustainability has emerged - something that is fuelled by my commitment to creating a positive change on a global scale. My motivation for seeking this scholarship arises from my belief in the positive impact that sustainable practices can have, particularly within the hospitality sector. I have always had a profound passion for the farm-to-plate ethos, and therefore I have endeavoured to integrate sustainability into every facet of my professional and personal life. For me, sustainability isn't just a word that is used to tick a box or make ourselves look good; it's a way of life?one that prioritises health, freshness, and responsible environmental management. Yet, despite my best efforts, I recognize that Australia, like many other nations, still has significant strides to make in fostering sustainability, particularly within kitchens and workplaces. By seizing the opportunity to travel, learn, and immerse myself in diverse cultures, I aim to gain valuable insights into sustainable practices within the culinary industry. Many countries have long championed sustainability in their culinary traditions, and I am eager to absorb their wisdom and incorporate it into my future endeavours. The prospect of exploring innovative approaches to sustainable living and bringing these insights back to Australia fills me with excitement about the potential ideas I can bring to my kitchen as well as the future that I can help the culinary industry move towards. As a young female chef with a repertoire of awards under my belt considering the short time I have been in the industry, I am acutely aware of the influence I wield within the culinary community. Through my scholarship, I aspire to not only expand my own knowledge but also use my gained knowledge to help other chefs and inspire change within the industry. By collaborating with seasoned chefs and sharing what I have learnt and potential new ideas when it comes to a sustainable approach, I hope to ignite a collective passion for sustainability among my peers and empower them to enact meaningful change in their kitchens. Furthermore, I view this scholarship as an opportunity to create a profound appreciation for the individuals dedicated to advancing sustainability efforts worldwide. I am eager to learn from their expertise, observe their practices firsthand, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding kitchen sustainability. By immersing myself in diverse culinary landscapes, I aim to broaden my perspective and deepen my commitment to creating a more sustainable future for all. In essence, my pursuit of a scholarship in sustainability is more than just academic ambition - it is driven by a genuine desire to effect positive change in the world. I firmly believe that each of us has a role to play in shaping the future of our planet, not only for ourselves as individuals but our families and society as a whole, and I am wholeheartedly committed to leveraging my education and skills to make a tangible difference. Whether through research, advocacy, or practical interventions, I am determined to be an integral voice and role model for sustainable transformation, both within the culinary industry and beyond.


A Global Footprints Scholarship is your opportunity to do more of what you love. What have you done at work that you are proud of or passionate about?

At the age of 21, I was presented with a remarkable opportunity - to be head chef of a rural tavern nestled in the South-West of Western Australia. Eager to embrace the challenge and unique opportunity as such a young chef, I seized the role of head chef with enthusiasm, driven by a strong desire to not only elevate the culinary industry in the south-west but also to foster a culture of sustainability and innovation within our community. As a young female chef in a traditionally male-dominated industry, I approached my new position with determination and creativity. One of my primary objectives was to cultivate a positive work environment characterized by camaraderie, creativity, and respect. Through my efforts, I sought to embed the kitchen and workplace with a sense of inclusivity and collaboration, where every team member's input was valued and respected. One of my visions for the tavern was the concept of sustainability - a commitment that should permeate every aspect of our operations. From the sourcing of ingredients to the development of recipes, I did not want sustainability to be an afterthought but a guiding principle that informed our every decision. With the support of the owner and manager, I made one of my top priorities to be the development of a new menu that placed a premium on locally sourced, seasonal produce. Released on the first of May, our new menu represents a celebration of what our region has to offer, showcasing the finest ingredients sourced from nearby farms and producers. Every dish is a testament to our commitment to sustainability, with a focus on utilising all menu ingredients to minimize waste. By harnessing the often-overlooked off-cuts and byproducts, we have transformed them into amazing dishes that captivate the senses of our patrons and honor the integrity of the ingredients. At the heart of our menu we aim to show off the local produce that surrounds our tavern - the meats from DBC just a few kilometres down the road, the eggs from a nearby free-range chicken farm, and the vegetables harvested from the surrounding communities in Western Australia. Each ingredient portrays the ideas of resilience, community, and sustainability, reflecting our dedication to supporting local producers and reducing our carbon footprint. None of this would have been possible without the dedication and creativity of my kitchen team. Together, we have embraced new techniques, experimented with flavours, and tried to broaden the boundaries of traditional cooking. I have found immense joy in teaching and learning from my colleagues, and I am proud to say that this menu is a collaborative effort - a culmination of everyone's passion and expertise, combined to create a menu that I feel all of my staff are proud of. As I reflect on this journey, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunity to make a positive impact in the hospitality sector. Through our commitment to sustainability and innovation, we have not only elevated the dining experience for our patrons when it comes to the expectations of a country pub, but also set a precedent for ethical and responsible culinary practices. Moving forward, I am excited to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible, inspired by the spirit of collaboration, creativity, and sustainability that defines our kitchen.


A Global Footprints Scholarship is for you if you are passionate about creating a sustainable future. Describe something you have done at work or are working on, that helps the environment. Why is it important to you?

Since assuming the role of head chef, I have been very focused on my commitment to creating more sustainable practices within my workplace. Recognizing the critical importance of responsible stewardship of our resources, I have created several initiatives aimed at reducing waste, supporting local producers, and promoting sustainable practices. Firstly, we have implemented a comprehensive waste management system that ensures minimal food waste and maximum utilization of resources. Our three-bucket system goes beyond the standard bin system within the south-west, it shows our dedication to sustainability within the kitchen. Food waste from our customers' tables is collected in designated buckets, which are repurposed to feed local pigs and chickens. Nothing goes to waste, as even smaller vegetable off-cuts find their way into our worm farm and compost bin, which goes back into the soil for our vegetable garden. Not only do we use local produce, but we use our own property to grow produce. Our vegetable and herb garden, along with our lemon tree, stands as a testament to our commitment self-sufficiency. From basil to cherry tomatoes, every herb and vegetable is attended to by all our staff throughout the growing process and harvested for daily use. We employ sustainable practices such as regrowing spring onions from their bases and recycling dying herb plants into our compost system. In addition to minimizing waste, we have embraced the concept of upcycling in our kitchen operations. Offcuts that would typically be discarded are repurposed into many different elements within our dishes, ensuring that every ingredient serves a purpose. Whether it's transforming leftover spring onions into a delectable coleslaw mayonnaise or using steak offcuts to create mouthwatering smoked brisket, we do not allow any unnecessary waste to be created in our kitchen ensuring our aim of sustainability is upheld whilst maximizing flavour. Furthermore, we have implemented measures to minimize packaging waste, such as reusing milk and vegetable crates for storage purposes. One of our key practices involves repurposing vegetable offcuts to create flavourful stocks that form the backbone of many of our dishes. Carrot and onion offcuts, along with other vegetable scraps, are simmered into rich, aromatic broths that add depth and complexity to our culinary creations. Meanwhile, tomato offcuts, including the cores and skins, are transformed into vibrant Napoli sauce, ensuring that no part of the tomato goes to waste. We also like to incorporate fish and seafood into our sustainability practices, not just vegetables. Any ingredient that crosses our kitchen is used wholly to the best of our ability. Offcuts from barramundi find new life as prawn and fish toast, an entree item that delights the palate while minimizing waste. Meanwhile, fish bones and crustacean shells are simmered into savory seafood stocks, infusing our dishes with quality homemade stocks and flavours, and reducing our environmental footprint in the process. Furthermore, we embrace the principle of "nose-to-tail" cooking, ensuring that no part of the animal goes unused. As we continue on our journey towards sustainability, we remain committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the kitchen. By harnessing the power of innovation and collaboration, we strive to inspire others in the culinary industry to embrace sustainable practices and join us in building a more sustainable future. These initiatives are not merely about minimizing our ecological impact; they are about laying the foundation for a more sustainable future, one where my children and future generations can thrive in a world free from pollution and degradation. I am driven by a deep-seated desire to effect positive change in the culinary industry, to educate and inspire my fellow chefs, and to demonstrate that sustainability and culinary excellence can go hand in hand.


As a BBM Scholar you can choose to go anywhere in the world. Where will you travel with your Scholarship and why?

My eagerness to explore sustainability extends far beyond the small confines of my own kitchen and reaches further into an international level, particularly peaking my interest in America and Canada. These vast and varied territories offer a diverse wealth of opportunities to witness firsthand the innovative approaches to sustainability that thrive amidst their diverse climates. In America, the Smoky Mountains peak my interest with their untamed beauty and ecological richness. I am deeply intrigued by the prospect of delving into the intricate ecosystem of these mountains, where freshwater seafood thrives which is an area that I am yet to explore as most of our seafood produce is saltwater. I wish to observe the methods employed by local communities to sustainably harvest, cultivate, and preserve this produce and ingredients, gaining insight into the delicate balance between conservation and utilization. The biodiversity of the Smoky Mountains is also something I think is worth studying. From the mushrooms and other products that flourish in a forest environment, to the vibrant array of berries and birds that inhabit the region, I am eager to explore the interconnectedness of these species and their role in sustaining the mountain ecosystem. As I venture further into America, I am drawn to the vibrant culinary landscapes that dot the country's diverse terrain. From New York to California to the lush farmlands of the Midwest, I am curious to discover how local farmers and producers harness the power of sustainable agriculture to supply restaurants with fresh, seasonal ingredients. With such a diverse range of environmental challenges, America has had to adapt to sustainable practices utilising hydroponics and aeroponics, as well as traditions such as regenerative farming and permaculture. In Canada, I am captivated by the beauty of its frozen landscapes, opposing the climate that I have grown up accustomed to as well as the resilience of its inhabitants. With such extremes in temperature and snow plaguing the usual agricultural methods, I would like to uncover the unique sustainability practices that enable communities to thrive in such extreme conditions. From indigenous harvesting techniques to modern innovations in cold-weather agriculture, I am eager to learn how Canada embraces sustainability in the face of adversity. Above all, my journey to America and Canada is fueled by a desire to gain insights and inspiration that I can bring back to my homeland of Australia. As a chef committed to sustainability, I am eager to exchange ideas, forge connections, and explore new avenues for environmental sustainability. By immersing myself in the diverse landscapes and cultures of Canada and America, I hope to expand my understanding of sustainability and contribute to the global conversation on responsible living and responsible production through our kitchens. In essence, my travels to America and Canada represent more than just a personal adventure - they are a quest for knowledge, inspiration, and a more sustainable future for us all. I believe this opportunity will empower and provide me with the tools to strive to make positive impact not just in my community but the wider community.


“Jordan shows that her desire for sustainability isn’t just a job but a lifestyle. She has already made a positive impact in her workplace and the local community. She demonstrates the upmost awareness of how small or big practices can have a positive impact on the welfare of the environment, animals, farming and humans. She shows such passion and commitment – an absolute inspiration!”
– Hayley Waterhouse, 2018 Global Footprints Scholar and Assessor


Justin Mann


Jedd Clarke